Notice of fictitious name filing florida

Attention: LLCs, Corps, Non-Profits

If you received a letter in the mail for your company and need to order an Certificate of Status, Labor Law Poster, or EIN, CLICK HERE

Attention: Fictitious Renewals

If you have an existing fictitious name and are looking to renew it, please CLICK HERE

What is a fictitious name?

A fictitious name (also known as a“doing business as” or “dba”) is: Different from your personal name, if doing business as a sole proprietor. Different from your entity’s legal name, if you have incorporated or otherwise formed a separate legal business entity.

About Fictitious Name Legal Notice Advertisements

About Labor Law Poster

Florida Business Filing Center is not a Government Agency and is not affiliated with the Internal Revenue Service or any other federal or state organizations. Florida Business Filing Center acts as a Third Party application assisting company. We do not provide legal, financial or other professional advice. We are not a law or an accountancy firm nor are we affiliated with either. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The documents offered by this advertisement are available to Florida consumers free of charge or for a lesser price from (Florida Department of State, 850.245.6550, 2415 N. Monroe Street, Suite 810. Tallahassee, FL 32303) (Internal Revenue Service, 800-829-4933, 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC) (Department of Labor, 1-866-487-2365, 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210). You are NOT required to purchase anything from this company and the company is NOT affiliated, endorsed, or approved by any governmental entity. The item offered in this advertisement has NOT been approved or endorsed by any governmental agency, and this offer is NOT being made by an agency of the government. Payments made to Florida Business Filing Center contain premium processing fees which are paid voluntarily by the purchaser. Allow up to 21 business days to receive your requested documents. Review our policies and terms of service before completing your transaction.

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