Academic Policies and Documents
This page contains policies, documents, and forms related to the academic governance of the University. Most are in PDF format and can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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General University Policies
- University Ethics Policy
University standards for personal and business conduct.
- Vision of Shared Governance
University philosophy of institutional governance.
- Computer and Network Responsible Usage Policy
Pepperdine University's policy governing the proper use and management of all University computing and network resources.
- HIPAA Policies, Procedures and Forms Manual
Detailed manual of all University policies and procedures related to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), including sample HIPAA forms.
- University Financial Policies
Includes University budgeting, expense reimbursement, cash management, and other policies and procedures.
- University Policy for Accommodating Students and Applicants with Disabilities
Guidelines for determining and providing accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable statutes or recommendations.
- Survey Policy
Policy for conducting surveys of students, staff, and alumni.
- Pepperdine's Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resources
Policy and Resources
- University Policy Manual
University Community Policy
Policies and Forms Related to the University Tenure Process
- University Tenure Policy
The official University policy on faculty tenure. Additional information can be found in the Rank, Tenure and Promotion handbooks for each school.
- Guide to the Tenure Review Process
An overview of the University's tenure review process, including: eligibility, when to apply, and the steps in the review process.
- Best Practices for Tenure and Promotion Review
A list of recommendations intended to put applicants’ portfolios in the best possible light and to clarify expectations.
- Tenure Application Forms
The following forms are available for download during the current tenure process:
- Faculty Data Form - to be completed by tenure applicants.
- Supervisor's Evaluation Form - to be completed by the applicant's supervisor.
- Peer Evaluation Form - to be completed by peers of the applicant.
Policies Related to Faculty Research
- Human Subject Research: Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures
Policy for all University research involving human subjects. Also referred to as the IRB manual, since it governs the work of the University's institutional review boards (IRB).
- University Policy for Responding to Allegations of Scientific Misconduct
Guidelines for research supported by or seeking support from the U.S. Public Health Service.
- University Policy on Patents and Copyrights
Policy governing research and writing supported by the University.
Policies and Documents Regarding Academic Courses and Programs
- Institutional Learning Outcomes
The official Institutional Learning Outcomes for Pepperdine University.
- UAC Course Action Forms
University Academic Council forms to submit changes to existing courses or request approval for new courses (MS Word documents).
Guidelines for submitting a new academic program to UAC.
Policy for online and classroom recording.
Other Academic and Provost Office Policies and Documents
- Honorary Doctorate ProcedureHonorary Doctorate nomination policy, practice, and purpose.
- Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program (includes application)
Description of Visiting Scholar program and criteria for nomination.
- EEO Language for Employment Advertisements
The approved equal employment language to be used in all advertisements for faculty and staff positions at Pepperdine University.
- Faculty Emeritus Policy
Description of the conditions and process for the granting of Faculty Emeritus status to retired faculty.
- Moving and Relocation Policy for New Faculty
Guidelines for the relocation of newly hired faculty.
- Academic Guidance Regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI Task Force)
Pepperdine University AI use syllabus statements
- Policy on Copying for Classroom and Research Purposes
Guide for using copyrighted material in research and teaching.
- University Policy on Patents and Copyrights
University Policy on Copyright and Patent Ownership
- Policy on Jointly-Sponsored Events
The Provost's policy statement on events co-sponsored by the University and other organizations.
- Statement of Academic Freedom
The Provost's statement on academic freedom reiterating a portion of the tenure policy.
- University Professor Rank
Eligibility and process for rank of University Professor.
- Fall 2020 Library Services
Communications update with important resources for faculty and student.
- Provost Budget Townhall
FY20 Roadshow Presentation
- Provost Budget Townhall
Webinar Recording
Faculty Handbook
While the University has policies and procedures for faculty and staff across the University, we also recognize the need for school-specific faculty handbooks that address topics and issues relevant to that particular school. These handbooks at times will require revision or updating. When revising or updating school-specific faculty handbooks, care should be taken not to develop policies or procedures that might misalign with University policies or procedures. In all cases, University policy and procedures take precedence over school-specific policies or procedures.
Further, best practices recommend that revisions or updates to faculty handbooks originate from the dean’s office of the school and then receive feedback and recommendations from the faculty before final modifications or revisions are incorporated into the updated faculty handbook. The procedures followed for recommending and implementing revisions should align with the shared governance document written by the University Faculty Council and approved by the University faculty on March 26, 2014. A review by Pepperdine general counsel is also advisable, prior to finalization and dissemination of any handbook revision.
Contact Us
Office of the Provost
TAC 404
Pepperdine University
24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90263