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User submission Nov 16, 2017

Man Documents Incredible Transformation Into Woman In 17 Months, And Her Facial Expression In Last Pic Says It All

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Ohio student who uses an Imgur username Selgal has shared intimate photos of her transition from a man into a woman, and the eye-opening images provide additional information about what happens to a body during hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Selgal has documented 17 months (almost 1,5 years) on this process and provided personal comments about the way she felt throughout her gender transformation.

HRT involves taking hormones attributed to gender together with other medications. It brings out secondary sexual characteristics that develop at puberty but aren’t involved in reproduction. Those medications include estrogens and antiandrogens (male-to-female or MTF transformations) and androgens like testosterone (female-to-male). In trans women, this therapy may distribute fat to the hips, reduce the size of their reproductive organs, lessen muscle mass and power, increase breast size and limit the growth of facial hair. To maintain the effects, transgender people have to continue HRT therapy throughout their whole lives. And though it’s quite a lot of work, this way they don’t have to take the risk with the male to female surgery complications.

“It’s never too late to change who you are,” Selgal said describing her MTF transformation journey. “Happiness is real; you just have to be willing to risk anything to find it.”